Please understand that although Verify4 is a consumer reporting agency, we do not maintain files on you or any other consumer. Even if we have previously issued a report about you, we would never re-use that data for a future report. However if you provide authorization in the future for us to issue a report, we would collect new information and issue a new report at that time. Because Verify4 does not maintain a consumer report file on you, unless you previously authorized us to prepare a report on you for a company you did business with, we will have no information to investigate or correct.
If you still wish to file a dispute, please send your dispute, along with the information listed below, to the following address:
Verify4, Inc.
920 US 64 HWY W PMB 2006
Apex, NC 27523
Or if you have any questions, please call us at (513) 837-4394 or simply 513-VERIFY4 during normal business hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Eastern Time.
In your dispute, please include the following information:
• Report ID from a company that previously obtained a Verify4 report about you (if available)
• Verify4 Report Date (if available)
• Complete Name (First Name, Last Name, Middle Name and any other Alternate names, such as Maiden Name)
• Full Social Security Number so we can determine if we have ever issued a report about you
• Current Home Address (where you would like your response to be mailed).
• Identify the specific information you are disputing and describe in detail why you believe it is inaccurate. You may include any supporting documents relevant to your dispute
• If you don’t have a Report ID Number from a company that previously obtained a Verify4 report about you, please also provide a copy of one of the following documents as Proof of Identification so that we can confirm your identity:
After we receive your dispute with the above information, Verify4 has 30 calendar days to investigate your dispute and communicate back to you the results. Note that you may not receive the results within 30 days due to the time it may take for your mail to reach us, and for our response to reach you. If you have not received a response from Verify4 within 40 days, then please call us at (513) 837-4394 or simply 513-VERIFY4 during our normal business hours of Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Eastern Time for further assistance.
If you need to dispute information for another person (such as for a minor or if there is a power of attorney), please call us at (513) 837-4394 during our normal business hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Eastern Time.
If a company asks us to provide a report on you with your consent, we will obtain the information and provide it for that report, but Verify4 does not maintain a File on any consumer. Unless we have provided a report on you in the past 90 days, Verify4 will have no information to disclose upon request. In response to a request for consumer disclosure, Verify4 will provide in all circumstances:
Disclosure Requests With a Report ID Number
If you have been provided a Report ID from a company who obtained a Verify4 report about you, you may request your disclosure via US mail. To Request a Disclosure using a Report ID number, please submit that number with the following information to the email or mailing address provided below:
Verify4 Disclosure Request Mailing Address:
Verify4, Inc.
Disclosure Requests
920 US 64 HWY W PMB 2006
Apex, NC 27523
Disclosure Requests Without a Record ID Number
If you have NOT been provided a Record ID from a Verify4 customer, you may request your disclosure via mail. To Request a Disclosure without a Report ID number, please submit the following information to the mailing address provided below:
Mail your Verfiy4 Disclosure Request to:
Verify4, Inc.
Disclosure Requests
920 US 64 HWY W PMB 2006
Apex, NC 27523
If You are Requesting a Disclosure on Behalf of Another Person: Remember, Verify4 does not maintain files on consumers, and unless we previously have issued a report, we will have no information to disclose. However, if you believe you need to request a disclosure on behalf of another person, you may do so by mail, and you must provide proof of your identity (see Proof of Identification above), proof of the other person’s identity, the other person’s Name, Date of Birth, and full Social Security Number, and proof of your authority to make the request about the other person, as follows:
Disclosure Costs:
Your disclosure will be free in the following circumstances:
Otherwise $15.50.
If you have any questions, please call us at (513) 837-4394 or simply (513)-VERIFY4 during normal business hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Eastern Time.
Q: What kind of information does Verify4 have about me?
A: Verify4 does not maintain a File on any consumer. If a company you do business with asks us to provide a report on you with your consent, we will obtain the employment and/or income information from the state(s) you authorized, and provide it for that report only. [We will keep that report for audit and compliance purposes only and for only 90 days] We never retain that report for future use. If we have issued a report about you, we will keep a record of inquiries, indicating who we issued a report to in the prior 2 years.
Q: Why don’t you have a report on me?
A: Verify4 does not maintain a File on any consumer. Unless we have a record of providing a report on you in the past 2 years, Verify4 will have no information to disclose upon request.
Q: Why do I have to mail my request if I don’t have a Report ID number?
A: At this time, Verify4 does not support online disclosure requests.
Q: Why do I have to pay a fee?
A: If you are not entitled to a free report under the law, Verify4 charges a fee as permitted by federal regulation.
Q: Why do I have to provide proof of identity?
A: Although we won’t have a file on you, in order for Verify4 to search our records to determine whether we have a record of issuing a report on you in the past 2 years, we need to have as much information as possible to confirm your identity.