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About Us

Enabling opportunity—Verify4 helps qualify people for better jobs, fairer credit, and improved living situations.

Verify4 increases credit access and inclusion by giving people greater control over and access to their own information. This makes lending fairer and more efficient. It is truly a win-win. This will reduce the “uncertainty fees” paid by millions of borrowers in the form of higher prices for credit when lenders are faced with important information gaps and shortcomings. It will also aid lenders by improving credit origination and improving efficiencies. Similarly, Verify4 also improves the rental application process and allows job seekers a way to verify their employment more easily and without having their current employer contacted if they are job searching while currently employed.

Credit Invisibility

Denied access to mainstream credit as a result, these millions must resort to predatory loans just to get by.

1 in 5 Americans are "credit invisible," locked out of mainstream credit due to insufficient data. Verify4 is here to change that by empowering individuals to access and verify their wage and employment information.

Unlock financial opportunities:

  • credit-card.png
    52 million credit invisible or unscorable (CFPB)

    Access affordable credit for homes and small businesses.

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    $8,000 average cost of having no credit

    Escape predatory loans by filling the credit data gap.

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    45% in lowest income Census tracts are credit invisible or unscorable

    Build assets, improve financial health, and secure your future.

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